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Committing to Sustainable Transportation

For the past month TxIPL has reflected on Living the Change to sustainable transportation. We’ve taken stock of car trips, explored options for reducing miles driven, and considered the climate impact of air travel.  It’s now time to start the journey.  

The beauty of a journey is that you can start where you are.  Everyone is in a different place, and only you know the “right answer” for your next step.  Pray, reflect, and meditate on your next step to sustainable transportation.  Discuss it with family and friends who are on the journey with you.  Then commit to taking a step towards changing your transportation habits.  After that change becomes comfortable, commit to another step.  As the steps add up, you'll be living the change to sustainable transportation.

Here are a few suggestions for your next step, but don’t be limited by these.  Challenge yourself to find new ways to reduce your car and air miles. 

  • Walk or bike to places that are less than a mile from your house
  • Share the ride to one place you go most weeks
  • Use public transportation at least once a week
  • Plan a vacation that doesn’t require flying
  • Sell one of your family’s cars and ride-share instead  
  • Buy a hybrid or electric car

“O Allah, we ask You on this our journey for goodness and piety, and for works that are pleasing to You.”  from a Muslim dua for traveling