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Energy-Efficiency, Worship and Study Materials for Congregations

So your congregation has committed to reducing its energy use and wants to make a difference in the work of caring for creation.  Wonderful!  There are so many ways that your community can make a positive impact.

This page has links and resources that we hope will be helpful in your work.  If there is something you are looking for but can't find - or if you have a great resource to share that is not listed here - please send us an e-mail.  We wish you and your community joy as you engage in this holy work!

Practical How-To's: energy-efficiency and other work projects you can do


Worship and Learning: resources you can use in your congregation

Advocating for Policy Change: information and ways to involve your congregation

  • About the state agency review of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ).  Click here for information.  Click here for ways to involve your faith community and take action.

    (Photo "Solar Panels Dutch Home" by User JT used under a Creative Commons-Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.)